Shakira’s music value increased by charity baby shower for UNICEF

Shakira’s music value increased by charity baby shower for UNICEF

Shakira in the view of some music and entertainment observers has literally become a guarantee to some music executives that her next album release will likely be an unprecedented success because of her recent charity baby shower for UNICEF

The beautiful “Waka Waka” singer and her husband, footballer Gerard Pique of FC Barcelona, asked their fans not to send them gifts for the baby shower of their second child, Sasha but instead asked people to donate money and supplies to UNICEF and help less privileged children around the world. The charity baby shower was a huge success as over 100,000 GBP was raised for UNICEF, a charity that is very important to the singer as she has been a Goodwill Ambᴀssador for them since 2003.

Another development that has arisen from this charitable act is that she has risen to the top of the list for many women and men as one of their favourite entertainers, people who represent new admirers and this is huge because while she is known to music fans worldwide there are some people who have readily admitted in some social media chat rooms that they did not know her music but they intend to become very familiar with it after this act of generosity.

Her leadership in promoting the ‘World Baby Shower’ movement to help children in need has enhanced her appeal to even greater heights as an entertainer and it is very likely going to result in her next music album receiving support from large numbers of ‘new’ fans in addition to her already loyal fans.

Shakira’s increased popularity is an example of the unexpected benefits that can come from being charitable and has once again shown herself to be a superstar entertainer whom other entertainers are very likely going to strongly consider following because of the impact of her actions on others and her own reputation.

