Could Shakira have been unfaithful to Pique before? Footballer’s friend blows divorce case wide open

Could Shakira have been unfaithful to Pique before? Footballer’s friend blows divorce case wide open

Gerard Pique’s retirement from Barcelona came as a surprise to everyone.

These decisions don’t usually take place midway through a campaign, unless there are extenuating circumstances.

Therefore, Pique’s ongoing divorce proceedings with Shakira are one such circumstance which may have contributed to this early retirement.

Be that as it may, the Catalan player has had a number of other reasons that have pushed him to make that decision.

After all, Pique has been seen as the bad guy and has been labeled as unfaithful. Now, a friend of the former football player, has come out to stick up for him.

‘Some details will be a surprise’
We are talking about the journalist Jordi Baste, who has a great relationship with him.

In statements to El, the journalist has dropped a bombshell that few people expected.

“Gerard Pique has not talked about his separation from Shakira,” Baste stated to El

“In three months, he has become the bad guy in the movie, and until we know all the details, we shouldn’t say anything.

“Because in life everything has nuances. And some of them will surprise you.”

We don’t know exactly which details might surprise, but Baste left a hint.

“Maybe it’s just the opposite of how it has been explained, especially when it refers to his personal life,” he reported.

Could Shakira have been unfaithful to Pique? Is this why Baste has made comments suggesting that the story has been told backwards?

Or is he talking about the Colombian wanting to leave Spain and move to Miami without talking it over with Pique?

The journalist has opened Pandora’s box and there could be a lot of new information in the coming days.

In the meantime, Pique will focus more on his business empire after his retirement.

