Kanye West had to ‘fight’ Kim Kardashian on co-parenting: ‘Men’s voices matter’

Kanye West claims he had to “fight” ex-wife Kim Kardashian in order for his voice to be heard in their co-parenting relationship.

“I’m their dad. It has to be co-parenting,” he said in an interview with “Good Morning America” on Thursday. “It’s not up to only the woman. Like, men have a choice also. Men’s voices matter.”

The “Gold Digger” rapper, 45, also added that he has a “right to have a voice” when it comes to making decisions about the four children he shares with Kardashian, 41, and he often uses his social media pages to express his opinions.

“As a dad and as a Christian … I have a right to have a voice on what my kids are wearing, what they’re watching, what they’re eating,” West said of his infamous Twitter and Instagram rants — some of which talked smack about the Kardashians.

“I have a platform where I get to say what so many dads can’t say out loud.”

West also compared his long-term partnerships — and now fallouts — with Gap and Adidas to what was happening at home with his family.

“It was all kind of a disregard for the voice of something that I co-created,” he explained. “I co-created the children. I co-created the product at Adidas. I co-created the product at Gap. And there’s a parallel. And the parallel does touch on discrimination.”
