Kylie Jenner called out Kendall’s viral cucumber moment at Kourtney Kardashian’s wedding

Kendall Jenner’s cucumber drama won’t die—at least, not if Kylie Jenner has anything to say about it.

In case you’ve forgotten (it’s actually permanently seared into my brain), Kendall found herself the ʙuтт of the joke after a scene from The Kardashians went viral on Twitter and TikTok earlier this month. In the scene, Kendall insists on cutting a cucumber by herself because it’s “pretty easy.” That may be true in general, but it definitely was not such an easy task for the model who struggled quite a bit.

“Watching Kendall Jenner cut a cucumber is one of [the] most painful things I’ve ever seen,” one Twitter user wrote at the time. You honestly have to see it for yourself:Kendall, who has been centered in much more serious controversies in the past, took the viral moment in stride.

On May 12, the reality star responded to one user who tweeted, “Kendall Jenner trying to cut a fcking cucumber is the most tragic thing I’ve ever witnessed.” She echoed the sentiment in a quote tweet, writing, “Tragic!”
