Why Taylor Swift Canceled Best Friend Miley Cyrus

Why Taylor Swift Canceled Best Friend Miley Cyrus

The July 7th re-release of Taylor Swift’s Speak Now album is being anticipated with great anticipation. Brings back to memory Path the Great’s triumph in the universe of music, marked by the star’s dramatic personal turmoil. Many of these struggles are central themes of successful songs.

One of these conflicts separated the two friends. Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus are almost the same age. 33 years and 30 years respectively.

He also started his career in the same way. The first American to have success singing country songs was Certenzo. After making a successful transition to the pop genre.

Both the divas worked together in a children’s film in the United States тιтled Hannah Montana. But the coincidences stop there. Since then, the careers of both the stars have taken completely opposite directions. Miley has opted for a rebellious path, staging events to shock and inflame public opinion. Trying to distance itself from the era of children’s programs. Taylor, on the other hand, adopted a well-behaved image that was acceptable to families.

The pair were once inseparable: They dueted on Swift’s “Fifteen” at the 2009 Grammy Awards, where they had great chemistry on stage. In an interview with CBS after the incident, Taylor declared, “Our personalities are opposites, so it works. We’re friends.” In return, Miley said, “Of course, we agree”.

It’s too bad that over time, the friendship between the two pop stars turned sour.

The time between the two started getting closer in 2013 at the MTV Best Music Awards. Let us tell you that Robin was married at that time. Taylor Swift reacted by describing what she saw on stage as “bizarre”. After this there was no reconciliation between the two.

After that twirl on stage, it was Miley’s turn to attack, criticizing her former friend on several occasions. In one of them, in an interview with an American newspaper, Miley insisted that Taylor is fake and she doesn’t believe in her rival’s good girl image.

Referring to the fact that Taylor is surrounded by the so-called squad, which is made up of young and beautiful models and actresses, Miley quipped: “I’m not trying to join the squad. None of my friends are famous. I love real people, who live real lives, because they are an inspiration.”

When Rivals released a music video with violent and mean-spirited messages against another pop star, singer Katy Perry (by the way, the subject for another column), Miley declared to an American magazine: “I’m talking about violent retaliation.” I don’t get it. Be a good example?

Despite Miley’s nagging and teasing, Taylor Swift has never responded to criticism from her ex-best friend.
