Miley Cyrus on When She Knew Her Marriage to Liam Hemsworth Was Over

Miley Cyrus on When She Knew Her Marriage to Liam Hemsworth Was Over

“I had decided that it was no longer going to work in my life to be in that relationship.”

Before wrapping up her “Used to Be Young” TikTok series this week, Miley Cyrus took a moment to speak about her relationship with ex-husband Liam Hemsworth.

In a candid clip, the singer revealed the moment she knew she could no longer be in the marriage.

“I just want to slow down. I have to slow down ’cause this is, like, actually serious,” she began.

The pop star explained that it was the day of the Glastonbury music festival in June 2019 when she “decided that it was no longer going to work in my life to be in that relationship.”

She added that while her and Hemsworth’s “commitment to being married” certainly came from “a place of love first, ’cause [we’d] been together for 10 years,” it also came from “a place of trauma, and just trying to rebuild as quickly as we could” following the loss of their home.

Cyrus and Hemsworth married in December 2018, about one month after they lost their Malibu home in catastrophic California wildfires. The pair, who had been together on and off since 2010, split after the festival. Hemsworth filed for divorce in August 2019, and they reached a settlement in early 2020.

Looking back at the day she decided to end her marriage, Cyrus said that historically, when she has experienced moments of trauma, she has put off dealing with them properly, and turned her attention to work and other commitment instead—but she no longer wants to do that.

“So, that was another moment where the work, the performance, the character came first,” she said, “and I guess that’s why it’s now so important to me for that to not be the case—that the human comes first.”

Cyrus also talked about Hemsworth in an earlier TikTok video, recalling their meeting on the set of her 2010 rom-com The Last Song. “I think one of the elements that made that movie feel so special was it was watching two very young people fall in love with each other, which was happening in real time and real life,” the former Hannah Montana star said. “So, the chemistry was undeniable and that was the beginning of a long, 10-year relationship.”

“Miley wants to do some emotional healing and had hoped she and Liam could find a way to be friends again,” they said.
