Kanye West Gets Brutally Mocked For Drawing Swastika In 2013 Adidas Meeting & Asking A Jewish Manager To Kiss A Portrait Of Hitler Every Day: “Weird They Signed A Huge Deal With Him”

Kanye West, who is currently gearing up for his new album, found himself in a soup after he brutally got mocked by the Internet for an apparent past deed. This is with concern to his partnership with Adidas, which lasted nearly 10 years. According to a new expose, the rapper has come under fire after it was revealed that he drew a Swastika on a shoe in his very first meeting with Adidas. It has been revealed that the partnership between Kanye and Adidas was doomed from the start. Scroll down to know the details.

Kanye West and Adidas came into partnership in 2013 and their deal went off in October 2022 after the rapper openly shared his offensive, racist and anti-Semitic remarks on social media. If reports are to be believed, the staff was thrilled to have Kanye West on board but his offensive behavior soon landed him in trouble.

According to the New York Post, a report stated, “To convey how offensive he considered the designs, he grabbed a sketch of a shoe and took a marker to the toe, according to two participants.” The report added, “Then he drew a swastika.” If this was not enough, the acclaimed rapper even told a Jewish Adidas manager to kiss a portrait of Hitler every day.” Kanye West apparently told Adidas colleagues that he admired Hitler’s command of “propaganda.” If reports are to be believed, Kanye even told a member of the company’s executive board that he had paid a “seven-figure” settlement to one of his own senior employees after he had accused him of repeatedly praising the architect of the Holocaust.

Social media users were quick to react to the latest reports. One user stated, “So they went forward with a 10-year partnership after this?” Another said, “How did Kanye’s antisemitism not leak? It seemed to be an ongoing pᴀssion of his for years. Why did so many stay silent until he pulled his mask off?”

One user shared, “Wow, weird they signed a huge deal with him. “And, the next one added, “Why didn’t we hear about this when it happened? How was he able to get away with that?”

An individual stated, “He needs psychological help, but racism isn’t a symptom of bipolar disorder,” as another chimed in, “Nothing new about the train-wreck that is Ye, but it should be enough to tank Adidas. What a morally bankrupt company.”

One person said, “His album cycle starts next month, his pattern of behavior indicates that he’ll start stirring up s*it around the listening party dates.”
