NO SHOW GIRL Kim Kardashian’s game is shutting down – and it shows how fragile online games are

NO SHOW GIRL Kim Kardashian’s game is shutting down – and it shows how fragile online games are

ONLINE games have been an outlet for many people, with some building a whole other life inside these games.

There is not only the money that some people put into these games via in-game purchases, but the time investment too.

Earlier this year, it was announced that Kim Kardashian: Hollywood would be shutting down in April 2024. While mobile games shut down all the time, many of these games have been around only for a year or so.

Kardashian’s game is a little different. Originally released in 2014, people have invested a decade of their time into the game.

There is an ᴀssumption that long-running games like Candy Crush or Pokémon Go will be around forever, but this is not always the case.

Kim Kardashian: Hollywood is certainly not the first game to shut down, but it is one of the longest-running тιтles to get the chop.

For her part, Kim Kardashian told fans: “I’m so grateful from the bottom of my heart to everyone who has loved and played ‘Kim Kardashian: Hollywood’ in the past 10 years.”

But this is of little comfort to the players who have spent a decade of their lives investing in success in their virtual world.

Players have taken to social media describing how they are devastated and blindsided by the news that the game is shutting down.

Many people see these games as escapism from the stresses of life and invest emotionally in their second lives.

When the game shuts down in April, all of the money players have invested in the game will also simply disappear.

While the full shutdown will take place in April, some services have already been discontinued ahead of the cancellation.

If you want to read more on gaming, check out the biggest gaming release dates in 2024.

Written by Georgina Young on behalf of GLHF.
