Kendall Jenner Opens Up About Her Social Anxiety and How She Copes

Kendall Jenner Opens Up About Her Social Anxiety and How She Copes

Kendall Jenner recently shared her struggles with social anxiety in a candid Instagram post.

“My anxiety (especially social anxiety) has been on 100 lately. I’ve come to a place where I don’t feel bad about it,” the 26-year-old model wrote in the caption. And Jenner is definitely not alone in those feelings. According to recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), roughly 11% of adults regularly have feelings of worry, nervousness, or anxiety.

Jenner went on to add that she manages her feelings of anxiety by cultivating “a calmer, more positive mindset” at the beginning of her day, and by acknowledging her need for personal space and “alone time.” And by the look of the video that accompanied her post, she has found a quiet place for a little reflection.

The clip offers a glimpse into a tranquil walled courtyard, where there’s plenty of greenery and a small water feature at the center. In the interest of spreading “good vibes,” Jenner goes on to share how she started her day: taking time to journal, writing down all the aspects of her day that she is most excited about, and expressing graтιтude for all her “blessings.” She also says she “took in the sun,” while enjoying tea and practicing deep breathing. Jenner says she tries to perform “10 deep inhales/exhales” before using her phone in the morning.

Research has found that everyone from military veterans living with post-traumatic stress disorder to college students in exam conditions can benefit from controlled, slow breathing. A systematic review that investigated the psychophysiological mechanisms behind controlled breathing found that breathing techniques enhance “autonomic, cerebral, and psychological flexibility.” This is because breathing can lead to changes in the nervous system, including increasing heart rate variability (the fluctuation in time intervals between heartbeats) and increased activity in the cerebral cortex (the largest part of the brain that controls higher functions), all of which can lead to heightened feelings of comfort, relaxation, vigor, and alertness, while also mitigating feelings of anxiety, depression, and anger.

Jenner has opened up about her symptoms of anxiety in the past. In a video interview with Vogue last year, she told clinical psychologist Ramani Durvasula, PhD, that she experienced the physical symptoms of anxiety from an early age. “I remember being really young—I’d say 8, 9, 10—and having shortness of breath and going to my mom and telling her that,” Jenner said. As she got older, she continued to struggle with a sense of panic and fear. “I’ve had times where I feel like I need to be rushed to the hospital because I think my heart’s failing and I can’t breathe and I need someone to help me,” she said at the time of last year’s interview.

If the past few years have felt like a lot for you as well, you’re definitely not alone. According to the CDC, between August 2020 and February 2021, the percentage of U.S. adults experiencing anxiety or depression jumped from 36% to 41%. The largest increases were observed among those aged 18 to 29 years old, which was linked to the global pandemic. “The spread of disease and increase in deaths during large outbreaks of transmissible diseases is often ᴀssociated with fear and grief,” the study said. According to the Cleveland Clinic, the symptoms of anxiety are broken down into three main categories: physical, mental, and behavioral. Physical symptoms of anxiety can include nausea, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, muscle tension, numbness or tingling in hands or feet, cold or sweaty hands, and dry mouth. Mental symptoms can include intrusive thoughts of traumatic experiences, obsessive thoughts, nightmares, panic, and fear. Behavioral symptoms can include difficulties sleeping, ritualistic behaviors (like repeatedly washing your hands), or an inability to remain still.

Deep breathing and meditation may be able to help you manage some of these symptoms. If you’re looking to get started with meditation, check out our guide here, this short meditation intended to ease you into sleep, or this meditation that can help you set a positive, energized outlook for the day.
