The Kim Kardashian-inspired ‘vampire facial’ has experts detailing good and bad reviews

The Kim Kardashian-inspired ‘vampire facial’ has experts detailing good and bad reviews

Many have tried it as it had been trending for a while but now it could be on hold

Kim Kardashian has been setting trends since she was a young girl, and the number of fans and followers has increased considerably since social media started to be a key part in the lives of people all over the world.

She has tried and kept doing some things and experimented with other methods and stopped those practices whether because they don’t work, or it results in a threat to her and her loved ones.


In this case, the “vampire facial” is one of those things in the middle of this because of what it has caused to users. Three women were diagnosed with HIV after undergoing these facial procedures at an unlicensed medical spa.

US federal health officials believe these are the first documented cases of people contracting the virus through a cosmetic needle procedure that happened earlier in 2024. Now, any have been very vocal about the procedures that need to go down for it to be a successful operation


Warnings have been issued by experts

This process involves drawing blood from the patient, separating the platelets and subsequently injecting them into the face using microneedles. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, this treatment is used to rejuvenate the skin, giving it a younger appearance and reducing acne scars and wrinkles.

It is important to mention that platelet-rich plasma injections were initially used in medicine for bone grafts and to treat osteoarthritis. However, they later became popular as part of aesthetic treatments.

In different parts of the United States and Mexico, the beloved “vampire facials” became famous, undoubtedly contributed by the Kardashians and other celebrity who promoted it as a great anti-aging treatment, but when watching videos or pH๏τographs they can be eye-catching.

The promise is to obtain brighter, non-greasy skin, as if it had returned to life in a very healthy way. Now doctors have recommended that it is better to stay away from this practice to avoid an skin issues or other health problems.
