Everything Kim Kardashian and her trainer have revealed about the reality star’s workout routine

Everything Kim Kardashian and her trainer have revealed about the reality star’s workout routine

“One thing that I’ve learned about Kim with training with her, it’s her dedication. She shows up on time, and is ready to go,” the reality star’s personal trainer, Senada Greca, recently said during an episode of Jay Shetty’s On Purpose podcast.

Kardashian, 43, is also someone who isn’t intimidated by a challenge at the gym.

“Never does she complain or back away from something that I put her through, and I put her through a lot,” Greca said. “She never backs away. She always pushes through.”

One of Kardashian’s former trainers, Melissa Alcantara, previously described her as “the best client and athlete you can have” and said she “never cancels.”

“It’s just her drive,” she said. “She knows what she wants, and she has to fit it in. She’s like, ‘I have to work out, this is part of my life,’ it’s all about the mindset,” she told Women’s Health.

Wondering how Kardashian stays committed to her fitness routine despite her hectic schedule? Want to replicate some of her go-to workouts? Here’s a look at her intense regimen.

She squeezes in early morning workouts

Between filming her reality show and running her business empire, Kardashian doesn’t have a lot of spare time. But she makes sure to devote time to her fitness routine.

“Her schedule is crazy, and mine is also crazy, so we work out really early in the morning at 6 a.m.,” Alcantara previously told Women’s Health.

In fact, Kardashian actually prefers to work a sweat early in the day.

“Sometimes we have to work out in the afternoon and she’s like, ‘Ugh!’ You know? In the morning she’s up, she’s with it, she knows what’s gonna happen and it’s literally obviously the first thing she does in the day, and the rest of her day just goes smoothly,” Alcantara told Us Weekly.

She adopted a bodybuilding diet and workout and saw results

When Kardashian asked Alcantara, a former bodybuilder, to help her build “more muscle” several years ago, the trainer helped the reality star adopt a training regimen that included workouts six days a week.

“She didn’t want to be skinny. She wanted to have muscle and feel strong. And she wanted to find something she can do for the rest of her life. I totally understood where she was coming from,” Alcantara told People in 2019.

Each session focused on certain body parts, ranging from shoulders to biceps/triceps and chest/back. Three days were solely dedicated to legs. Cardio was also part of the routine and ranged from long, low-intensity walks to short, intense bursts.

“Kim has been getting some really nice results, like with her triceps! She can’t believe how much has changed over the last few months,” Alcantara said.

The trainer also worked with Kardashian on her diet to ensure that she got the proper mix of proteins, carbs and fats. For breakfast, Kardashian often noshed on blueberry oatmeal pancakes. Lunch often consisted of chicken, veggies and sweet potatoes, followed by fish and veggies at dinner.

She prefers weight lifting over cardio

Alcantara previously told Women’s Health that weight training made up 85% of her training with Kardashian, while the rest was reserved for cardio.

In 2023, Kardashian gave fans a look at one of her gym sessions with Greca in her Instagram story.

“We lift weights for two hours daily and do five or six days a week. My goal was to gain muscle and be strong and I see such a difference already,” she shared, per People. “I’m proud of our commitment together. It always starts with small goals 💪.”

Her lower body workout is hard-core

Earlier this year, Greca shared a video of Kardashian doing her lower body workout, and it wasn’t for the faint of heart. The trainer even shared the following details about the routine.

“We kept a rep scheme of 12-16 reps x 3-4 sets,” she wrote.

Want to copy Kardashian’s moves? Here’s exactly what she was doing:

  1. Trap Bar ᴅᴇᴀᴅlifts
  2. Trap Bar RDLs
  3. Step ups
  4. Hip thrusts
  5. Leg extensions

The trainer also said Kardashian did a warmup at the beginning of the workout consisting of hamstring curls and abductions.

She likes focusing on her glutes and abs

Kardashian has always been famous for her curves, especially her toned behind.
