Divorced… but always Sєxy: Shakira makes a fashion campaign and causes talk

Divorced… but always Sєxy: Shakira makes a fashion campaign and causes talk

Shakira has been on the ‘mouth of the world’ in recent months. Now, the 45-year-old singer has shown her Sєxier side in a fashion campaign for a luxury brand.


Shakira has been a subject in recent months, either because of alleged debts to the Spanish record, or even because of the controversial separation from Gerard Piqué . Focused on work, the Colombian singer is now the face of Burberry’s new Christmas campaign .

In the production, the 45-year-old singer shows her Sєxier side posing in a semi-transparent dress with leaf-shaped sparkles and the name of the luxury brand printed on it.

In addition, in the production, he again poses in a more British style , with checkered pieces.

Shakira is moving into a millionaire mansion
Shakira managed to reach an agreement with Gerard Piqué and will be able to take the children to Miami. The singer intends to move to the United States in 2023 and the Spanish press released some pH๏τographs of the millionaire mansion where she will live with Milan and Sasha .

According to Hola! magazine, the mansion has more than 750 square meters , a huge outdoor pool, six bedrooms, seven bathrooms and a very large garden. In 2018, Shakira tried to sell this mansion for 2.5 million euros , but ended up taking it recently off the market, which indicates that it will be the chosen residence to move into with the children she has in common with the Barcelona footballer. .
