How to Work Out and Eat Like Shakira, According to Her Trainer Anna Kaiser

How to Work Out and Eat Like Shakira, According to Her Trainer Anna Kaiser

“She lost a ton of weight and inches, so now we are making sure we are working on endurance and strength,” the celebrity fitness guru explains

Shakira’s hips (and abs) don’t lie!

And after sitting with her trainer Anna Kaiser, we now know just how much work goes into being Shakira, and spoiler alert—it’s a lot.

The Colombian beauty works out about five days a week, and all of her workout goals are always around her heart rate monitor. As Kaiser tells E! News it “keeps her the most focused.” The 40-year-old singer loves having a concrete goal and focusing on individual body parts and form, so she can concentrate on what she’s doing and how she’s doing it.

“We alternate between strength and cardio intervals. Some days we do just cardio and then strength and some days we start with strength and then do cardio, we like to mix it up,” the celebrity trainer explains. “I want to make sure that she is improving her endurance so that she can go into a two-hour show and also has the strength and stamina to make it through a five-month tour. It’s about making sure she gets a little bit of everything.”
