Kendall Jenner Diet and Workout Routine

Kendall Jenner Diet and Workout Routine

I love writing about models and how they eat and exercise. After all, these are some of the fittest women in the world, and it is so inspiring to learn from them. I’ve already written about several models, including Bella and Gigi Hadid, Kelly Gale, Josephine Skriver, and many more.

But I’d be wrong to not add Kendall Jenner to the list. Kendall is one of the top models at the moment! She’s beautiful and she works hard to keep her body looking fabulous at all times.

Kendall likes to work out first thing in the morning. She typically wakes up around 6:30 a.m., and she hits the gym by 7:00. Most of her workouts are over in about an hour. You don’t need to spend an extravagant amount of time working out each day to have good results.

Kendall works out with Gunnar Peterson, a celebrity trainer who has worked with Jennifer Lopez, Angelina Jolie, and the Kardashians.

He typically has her doing ab workouts (more on that later!) and full-body workouts. Peterson has Kendall work with some weights, but he says that most of what she does is a combination of strength, movement, and high-intensity workouts. Kendall also does kick-boxing.

When Kendall does do weight-lifting, Peterson says that he makes sure the weight is low enough that she can do at least 9 repeтιтions.

This is similar to what I recommend. It is important to do resistance training along with cardio so that you stay slim and toned. But I don’t suggest that you use heavy weights if you find that weights make you bulky.

In most cases, bodyweight exercises are enough.

Work out consistently! That’s the best way to see results. When Kendall isn’t traveling, she works out with Gunnar Peterson five days a week.
Plan out what you’re going to do ahead of time (even if that’s picking your work out clothes the night before!).
Think about being your best self. Let that be your motivation. Kendall’s confident in her body because she knows she’s making it the best that it can be!
Don’t jump from one exercise style to another week after week. It often takes about one month to see real results.
Kendall says that she loves working out her abs, and this is often a focus of her workouts with her trainer. Most of her ab workouts are bodyweight only, which helps her achieve looking lean and toned.

Kendall’s ab routines follow a similar structure to ab routines that I do and I find them to be very effective. She alternates between moves for roughly 30 seconds before moving on to the next.

Kendall and her trainer love using different plank variations mixed with other ab moves to create a well-balanced routine.

Kendall Jenner likes to sweat. Her trainer said that she’s a natural athlete, and she likes feeling like she’s pushing herself hard.

One way she does that is with heat-infused workouts.

She says that H๏τ yoga is her current exercise obsession. I think that yoga can be a great addition to a workout routine.

Kendall’s routine is a great example: she does cardio, resistance workouts, and yoga. It’s very balanced routine, so no wonder she has great results.

And if you also want to have amazing results like Kendall, I have a workout video course that will help you achieve that model like look.

