Shakira and Pique break off negotiations and go to court

Shakira and Pique break off negotiations and go to court

Disagree over custody of their children

Shakira and Gerard Pique are still fighting for custody of their children and it seems that the will of both parties to reach an agreement is coming to an end and they will face each other in court.

After their break-up Shakira tried to solve the problems in their relationship on several occasions, but the footballer’s heart was already elsewhere. He was in love with a 23-year-old woman he met at his production company Kosmos, where he works.

After the break-up, the negotiations were that Pique wanted the children to stay in Barcelona, while the Colombian wanted them to go with her to Miami. In all these months they have not reached a satisfactory agreement for both parties and time has run out. On the September 5 the little ones will have to start school and they still don’t know where that will be.

Shakira and Pique can’t agree on the custody of their children

According to Informalia, this situation will end in court. This is yet another problem for the Colombian, who has another major legal dispute. The Public Prosecutor’s Office is accusing her of six offences against the tax authorities who are calling for eight years in prison.

The singer from Barranquilla does not intend to lose this battle. In fact, the holiday settlement was not easy either. Both parties have made their proposals and in both cases they have been rejected. In the first week of September, the proposals and counter-proposals of both parties will be put on the table and an urgent decision will have to be made.
