Taylor Swift and Sophie Turner earn themselves a pet name as the pop princess helps the Game Of Thrones star through her break-up from Joe Jonas

Taylor Swift and Sophie Turner earn themselves a pet name as the pop princess helps the Game Of Thrones star through her break-up from Joe Jonas

Both women have been firm friends since 2019, when they bonded while sharing a sofa on The Graham Norton show.

But The Mail on Sunday understands that Ms Swift has become an increasing support to the British actress, who first sH๏τ to fame as noblewoman Sansa Stark in Game Of Thrones, as the end of her four-year marriage to Jonas turned sour.

So far it is Mr Jonas, 34, who has been winning the PR war, with friends of his saying that the marriage fell apart because of 27-year-old Ms Turner’s desire to party too much – while he wanted to stay at home with their two daughters.

On Friday, more sources came forward to say Mr Jonas is ‘furious’ with Ms Turner for taking legal action to try to have their daughters, aged three and one, brought back to the UK, according to court documents.

Of Ms Turner’s alliance with Ms Swift, a friend said: ‘Taylor and Sophie may not have been seen together much over the years but there has been a friendship there. However, once Taylor realised what Sophie was going through she wanted to lend her a shoulder to cry on.

‘Taylor isn’t silly though. She is absolutely aware that if the two of them are seen together it will attract a lot of attention and a lot of column inches. And the fact that their moniker ‘Saylor’ has now been coined means that they have become a thing.’

As well as indicating to the world that she is backing Ms Turner, Ms Swift’s intervention will be somewhat embarrᴀssing for Mr Jonas, because he briefly dated her in 2008 when she was 18, before he reportedly broke up with her in a brief phone call.

She went on to pen several break-up songs thought to be about him, including Forever and Always, Mr Perfectly Fine, Better Than Revenge and Last Kiss. They have long since made amends, however.

Their romance had been forgotten until Ms Swift and Ms Turner had a 2am girls’ night out last Tuesday, at New York’s Via Carota restaurant and later enjoyed ‘martinis and caviar bumps’ at the celebrity haunt Temple Bar.

Two weeks earlier, Mr Jonas had filed for divorce at a Miami court, in what sources said was a ‘last resort’ after he tried to salvage their relationship. The paperwork submitted to the court states that their relationship is ‘irretrievably broken’.

The pair have reportedly been living separate lives for some months.

For many, their union had always been incongruous – the Northampton-born Ms Turner and Mr Jonas, member of the US chart-topping act Jonas Brothers. Apart from attending the Playbox Theatre Company in Warwick after school, Ms Turner had no showbusiness connections. However, when her drama teacher encouraged her to go for the part of Sansa Stark when she was 14, her life changed forever.

Now with the mother of all pop stars by her side, Ms Turner is preparing to slay some demons – with Mr Jonas firmly in her sights.
