Well she DOES have an album to sell! Shakira strips down and smoulders in new promotional pictures for latest LP

Well she DOES have an album to sell! Shakira strips down and smoulders in new promotional pictures for latest LP

She recently appeared scantily clad alongside Rihanna in her latest music video, Can’t Remember To Forget You.

But – as a mother and wife – Shakira has walked a fine line between Sєxy, sensual and smouldering in promotional pictures for her latest album release.

Posing in a series of pictures which range from suggestive to classically simple, the images will no doubt delight fans and record company bosses alike.



In one image the 37 year-old Colombian can be seen wearing a knotted bra top as she suggestively unzips the rest of her outfit.

In another, framed by a cascade of blonde, curled hair, she can be seen lounging in a ceramic bathtub as she elongates a lipstick.

Wearing a black and white dress, she looks effortlessly stylish as she rests barefoot on the rim.

