From Miley Cyrus to Mary J. Blige: Celebs who chose not to have kids

From Miley Cyrus to Mary J. Blige: Celebs who chose not to have kids

Some ladies want kids, some don`t and both of these two options are equally valid. Every person has a different calling and it may or may not include embracing motherhood.

In the last few years, several celebrities from Hollywood have openly spoken about remaining child-free for their own personal reasons. Here`s a quick rundown!

Miley Cyrus

During a 2019 interview with Elle, Miley Cyrus revealed why she doesn’t want kids. She shared, “We’re getting handed a piece-of-s**t planet, and I refuse to hand that down to my child.

Until I feel like my kid would live on earth with fish in the water, I’m not bringing in another person to deal with that. We [millennials] don’t want to reproduce because we know that the earth can’t handle it.”

Mary J. Blige

Singer Mary J. Blige spoke to E! Daily Pop last year and revealed that she likes her freedom and doesn’t want to have kids anytime soon. She said, “I have nieces and nephews forever, and I’m always watching how people are scrambling around for babysitters.

I don’t want to go through that. I like my freedom. I like being able to get up and go and move and do what I want to do. I don’t want to have to tend to someone all the time.”

Dolly Parton

On an episode of The Oprah Conversation, singer Dolly Parton shared that not having children actually enabled her to help more kids.

“I didn’t have children because I believed that God didn’t mean for me to have kids so everybody’s kids could be mine, so I could do things like Imagination Library because if I hadn’t had the freedom to work, I wouldn’t have done all the things I’ve done. I wouldn’t be in a position to do all of the things I’m doing now,” she said.


Popular TV personality Oprah deeply cares for the girls who study in her school, Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls, in South Africa but she has consciously decided to not have kids of her own.

“If I had kids, my kids would hate me,” she told the Hollywood Reporter in 2013. “They would have ended up on the equivalent of the Oprah show talking about me; because something [in my life] would have had to suffer, and it would’ve probably been them.”

Kim Cattrall

“I enjoy kids but not for long periods. I think they’re adorable and funny and sweet, and then I have a headache,” Kim Cattrall said during a 2008 interview with the Advocate.

Octavia Spencer

Octavia Spencer, during a candid roundtable discussion with the Hollywood Reporter, said, “Now, I’m thinking my eggs are dying on the shelf. They’re going to go past their expiration date. But it’s what I chose, so I’m fine with that decision.”

