Kanye West On Participating In The US Presidential Elections: “God Has Called Me To Take This Position”

The US Presidential Elections are all set to take place on November 3. And on July 4, rapper and designer Kanye West announced his name as a presidential candidate Ever since then, he has been in the news regarding something or the other ranging from his campaign to his personal life.

During a recent podcast, Kanye spoke about God calling him to participate in the Presidential elections as well as his battle with coronavirus being the reason behind him announcing his presidency run as late as July 4.

During a recent conversation on Joe Rogen’s podcast, Kanye West spoke about why he decided to run for president. He said, “Even though I’m the pastor for however big my audience is in hip-hop, in music or just as an influencer or celebrity, a dad and a husband in my house—there couldn’t be a better time to put a visionary in the captain’s chair. And that’s not to say we haven’t had visionaries before. I’m not here to down Trump, to down Biden—I’m just here to express why God has called me to take this position.”

During the same conversation, Kanye West also explained that his battle with coronavirus. He revealed that the reason why he took so long to announce his bid was because of the same. “Why did I register so late to run for president?

Kanye continued. “I had the virus and I was sitting in quarantine in my house and my cousin texts me about being prepared to run for president. And I just completely put it off to the side ’cause I was like shivering and having the shakes and taking H๏τ showers and eating soup. … [Coronavirus] threw everyone off. It threw everybody’s plans off. And then it was just this calling on my heart.”

Yesterday, Friend actress Jennifer Anniston took to social media and shared a picture while at a ballot box. Talking about Kanye West in the post she wrote, “It’s not funny to vote for Kanye. I don’t know how else to say it. Please be responsible.”
