Kanye West Talks About His Wish To Model The White House Like Wakanda From Black Panther

Rapper Kanye West recently tweeted that he intends to run for President in the coming 2020 elections.

Talking about his plans for the USA, he said that he would like to model the White House and its management on Wakanda. Let us tell you that Wakanda is the fictional, futuristic African nation from the sci-fi movie Black Panther (2018).Talking to Forbes, Kanye said, “A lot of Africans do not like the movie [Black Panther] and representation of themselves in…Wakanda. But I’m gonna use the framework of Wakanda right now because it’s the best explanation of what our design group is going to feel like in the White House.”

He continued, “That is a positive idea: you got Kanye West, one of the most powerful humans—I’m not saying the most because you got a lot of alien level superpowers and it’s only collectively that we can set it free.”

Kanye specified that he would like to borrow the fictional country’s technological infrastructure as an inspiration, which was shown in the Marvel’s movie.

The ‘Jesus Walks’ artist said, “Let’s get back to Wakanda, like in the movie in Wakanda when the king went to visit that lead scientist to have the shoes wrap around her shoes. Just the amount of innovation that can happen, the amount of innovation in medicine – like big pharma – we are going to work, innovate, together.”

Kanye West also talked about his retracted support towards Donald Trump, the President of the US as well about him allegedly contracting coronavirus.
