Kanye’s a deranged bully – and now he’s an anti-Semite too. Yet desperate conservatives hero worship him because he’s a rare celebrity who’s on our side. How utterly pathetic!

Don’t throw your lot in with Kanye West – you’ll soon live to regret it.

Conservatives should have seen this coming a mile away.

After Kanye showed up at his Paris fashion show last week wearing a ‘White Lives Matter’ t-shirt in an apparent protest of ‘Black Lives Matter,’ he sparked outrage and was fawned over by many on the right.

The stunt even earned Kanye a segment on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show, during which the rapper-turned-fashion designer ranted incoherently.

It was pathetic. But then over the weekend, it got worse.

Instagram and Twitter removed bizarrely anti-Semitic posts from Kanye’s accounts and blocked him from using their social media platforms.

I won’t go into what he said here – honestly, it is not worth my time to repeat his gibberish – but I immediately took to Instagram to hold my fellow conservatives to account for recently cheering him on.

Now, I agree that ‘Black Lives Matter’ as an organization deserves serious criticism. The faux-charity’s misuse of tens of millions of dollars in donations is an absolute scandal and demands intense scrutiny.

But is Kanye best

Long ago, any feelings of mine about his musical genius were undermined by his erratic public behavior, breakdowns, bullying and chaos. His harᴀssment of his ex-wife, her former boyfriend Pete Davidson, and others is disturbing to say the least. And I have never believed that he is someone whose political opinion should be taken seriously.

I have also always been skeptical of celebrity worship by conservatives.

The Republican Party brand is supposed to be anti-celebrity and anti-elite. Yet anytime a big name shows even the slightest interest in conservative causes, they are granted prime time interviews and slobbered over by pundits and politicians.

It’s a bit embarrᴀssing. But this Kanye incident hit home for me in a different way.

I am a deeply committed defender of Jewish people, a proud Zionist and an activist against antisemitism. And make no mistake — antisemitism is on the rise in America.

Now, conservatives must be just as vocal in condemning his outrageous antisemitic conspiracy theories, as they were applauding his BLM takedown.

It’s the least they can do.

Pathetically during times of turmoil and chaos, Jewish people are scapegoated. It has been true throughout the history of mankind. But when Jews are targeted, it is a sign of sickness in society. The hate goes together with conspiracy theories. It’s indicative of a community in collapse. One that can’t confront and solve its real problems and instead seeks someone to blame.

Antisemitism is a cancer and America needs to cut it out.

I was raised by very proud supporters of Israel. One of my dad’s closest friends and a man I consider an uncle is former Senator Joe Lieberman, an orthodox Jewish man. And I am struck by what is happening in this country.
