Kendall Jenner steps into H๏τ water with barefoot Louvre pictures

In Today’s Talker — A member of the Kardashian clan is facing backlash after a recent trip to Paris.

Kendall Jenner posted some pictures to her Instagram with the caption “the Louvre at midnight.”

According to the Louvre’s website, the museum is closed at that time. And if you look closely, you can see Jenner is walking around the historic space barefoot.

Many of her followers slammed the model in her comments, calling her lack of shoes “tasteless.”

Another commenter said, “Respect is lacking. No one should be allowed barefoot in spaces such as this.”

“We get it,” said another. “You’re filthy rich, you can get the Louvre to open at midnight just for you to walk barefoot around the historic halls.”

Not everyone was so bothered, though. TMJ4’s own Ryan Jenkins commented, “Now this is a vibe.”
