Kim Kardashian visits Amador, El Dorado counties, touring inmate fire program camps

Kim Kardashian visits Amador, El Dorado counties, touring inmate fire program camps

Cal Fire and the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation got a shout-out from a major celebrity on Friday.

Kim Kardashian took to social media to share her experience visiting incarcerated firefighter camps in Amador and El Dorado counties.

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Kardashian visited Pine Grove Youth Conservation Camp and Growlersburg Conservation Camp Crew 3 and 5 on Thursday.

“These incredible men are incarcerated firefighters saving our state, homes and communities from fire,” Kardashian shared on Facebook and Instagram.

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The Conservation Fire Camp program dates back to 1946, when Cal Fire teamed up with CDCR to provide much-needed extra hands.

Last year, the Growlersburg program expanded to allow some inmates ages 18-26 who are serving more serious charges.

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Kardashian has more than 361 million followers on Instagram and 35 million on Facebook.
