Brazil Influencer Who Spent $1 Million To Look Like Kim Kardashian Says Butt Lift Filler Left Her Infertile

Brazil Influencer Who Spent $1 Million To Look Like Kim Kardashian Says Butt Lift Filler Left Her Infertile

Brazil Influencer Who Spent $1 Million To Look Like Kim Kardashian Says Butt Lift Filler Left Her Infertile

A Brazilian influencer, who has spent over $1 million on cosmetic procedures to resemble Kim Kardashian, is now warning others about the dangers of ʙuтт fillers. Jennifer Pamplona, a self-proclaimed ”surgery addict”, revealed that polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), a common cosmetic material used in ʙuтт lift fillers took away her chances of having children. Although her infertility is not directly attributed to PMMA, her complications are believed to be linked to either improper application or an adverse reaction, the New York Post reported.

Surgery addict' influencer tried to look like Kim Kardashian, turned infertile after ʙuтт filler - Trending News

Notably, PMMA can migrate from the injection site to other areas, including the pelvic region, potentially affecting reproductive organ function. Ms Pamplona claims to have experienced such an adverse reaction a decade ago, when PMMA spread from her ʙuттocks to her reproductive organs during a bioplasty procedure, leading to her current fertility issues.

Woman spent $600K to be Kim Kardashian | Nepalnews

”I always dreamed of being a mother. Unfortunately, I now find myself unable to fulfil this dream due to the complications caused by PMMA,” she told Need To Know.

Her surgeon, Dr. Carlos Rios said that medical mishap became a “matter of life or death.”

”The symptoms she exhibited were a direct consequence of this procedure. She was hanging by a thread. The suffering is immense, and the pain of not being able to create life is something I never imagined facing,” he said.

Brazilian influencer who spent $1 million to look like Kim Kardashian says ʙuтт lift surgery left her infertile - The Economic Times

Fortunately, her health has been improving, thanks to a holistic approach that includes meditation, a balanced diet, targeted supplementation, and medication

The social media influencer, who has 1 million followers on Instagram, began her plastic surgery journey at just 17 years old, with over 30 procedures on her body and face. However, it wasn’t until her 2022 diagnosis with body dysmorphia that she decided to stop the surgeries. While she may consider one final reconstructive surgery to address some of the lingering issues, Ms Pamplona is currently dealing with the adverse effects of her previous surgeries.

Surgery addict' who spent $1M to look like Kim K says ʙuтт lift filler left her infertile, in constant agony: 'My limitations are severe'

”I like to say that if everyone paid attention to their emotional health, procedures would be less frequent,” she said.
