You’ll Never Guess What Taylor Swift Wanted to Be When She Grew Up

You’ll Never Guess What Taylor Swift Wanted to Be When She Grew Up

Pop musician and gazillionaire Taylor Swift is no stranger to business strategy.

In recent months the self-professed “nightmare dressed as a daydream” has flexed her guns by spurning streaming music giant Spotify, investing in a $20 million New York apartment, and applying to trademark phrases like “Nice to Meet You. Where You Been?” for use on future commercial endeavors.

So where did the 25 year old get her financial savvy? One clue comes from an interview she taped for YouTube back in 2011, where she discusses her relationship with her stockbroker father, Scott Swift. The singer says her dad has been telling her to save money and invest in utilities since she was a child.

“My dad is so pᴀssionate about what he does in the way that I’m pᴀssionate about music,” Swift says in the video. “This guy lives for being a stockbroker… And anybody who talks to him, like, he’ll talk about me for the first five minutes, and then it’s, like, ‘Say, what are you investing in?'”

Swift goes on to explain that at the age of eight, while other students at school said they aspired to be astronauts and ballerinas, she wanted to be a financial adviser when she grew up.

“I love my dad so much, because he’s so gung-ho for his job, and I just saw how happy it made him, and I just thought, I can broke stocks,” she said.

If that line makes you roll your eyes, remember, as a wise person once said, “haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate.”

